Wednesday, 12 March 2014

Are you offended?

The online world. It is completely entwined in our lives. Phones, computers, social networks, television. People campaign their thoughts and opinions and ideas and emotions. Some sensor what they say, others don't. Some people hate, some people "propose".

Both my husband have Instagram. We post pictures of our lifestyle online which includes hunting and trapping, butchering, fishing and outdoor activities. There has always been haters. People have wished death upon us, told us we were dirty trailer park trash and many much more profane things. At first, it bugged us. Now we don't care. Lots of people don't understand or believe in our lifestyle but we do, and that's what matters. We offer advice and tips to those who ask and we enjoy it.

Ever since the "emergence" of social networks, it has seemed like our society has turned us into haters, lovers, professional judges on all topics, made us pushy and bossy and defensive and someone always has to have that last word! Everything is offensive. Everyone is our judge that we so willingly accept into our lives. People get so caught up in everyone else's "reality show" that we don't focus on our own lives. I am guilty. I have been the judge and the judged. My husband is actually the one who made me realize how ridiculous I was being. I would pipe up something about someone we know distantly and he would look at me and say, "I don't care. It's not my life. You shouldn't either."

I, of course, get irritated cause he's right. It's also made me consider what I post online. I don't need my Facebook page to be a reality show for the world. Facebook is a convenient tool for me which is really the only reason I haven't deleted it yet. I still consider it on some days though. And I realized something.

I am married, I have a wonderful family who I love, extended family I appreciate and love, a house to clean, meals to make, goals, dreams, a body to take care of, a Heavenly Father who loves me. My life is my life and my opinions are my own opinions and people may get offended but does it really directly impact them what I think? No. I have my own problems and I really don't need the acceptance of the world when I overcome them. My reality doesn't have to be a show. I don't need to get offended over other things that people think or say. Because it doesn't really matter. I don't have to be accepted by others to accept myself. I don't have to choose to push or proclaim or be offended. Because it is a choice. It's also a choice to type it into your media device to tell the world.

1 comment:

  1. GRR! I've seriously commented on so many of your awesome posts lately, but they didn't go through! I guess that's what you get for using your phone to read and comment.

    What is your instagram account? Can I follow you?! I swear I'm not a hater, in fact, I really envy your lifestyle. My insta account is kris10ruiz. I can't believe total strangers take the liberty to be jerks over instagram. All I can say about people like that is "bless their heart," haha, to keep me from saying…. other things.
