Tuesday, 8 January 2013

January is a new year. . . .

How far along? 38 and a half weeks.
Maternity Clothes? No. I live in my Underarmour pants and long t shirts.
Best moment this week? Ah getting to a single digit countdown very soon. And we called in another lynx.
Not so good moment this week? Still dealing with this flu/cold and not nesting. . .I need energy to finish everything I need to get done! And my car going into limp mode for some bogus reason.
Movement: Yes. A very active baby.
Gender: Still don't know!
Food Cravings: I like toast right now. I've been craving to eat healthy haha.

Anything make you sick or queasy: It's totally hit and miss most days. I threw up tacos the other day.
Symptoms: Legs HURT usually 24/7 now. Mostly when I try and relax. And I am still puking. So thankful for Diclectin still haha.
Emotions: Mostly ok. I had a breakdown the other day and I am sure Jarrod felt pretty bad.
Looking forward to: Getting my house cleaned and hopefully things caught up if I get enough energy.

December was crazy and went crazy fast. We ended up down in the states for a couple days and got to see Julie and Patrice. Christmas crept up and left in a whirlwind. I am still slowly taking decorations down  haha. Jarrod's Christmas present is supposed to come tomorrow. . A bit late but better late then never?? We ended December with a super flu/cold that is still clinging. Hasn't been  much fun at all. Therefore, not much has been done in my house or anything like that. Baby's room is still in mid reno like it was in mid December. Baby cannot come this week cause I have a to do list the length of my arm still to complete hopefully before it comes. If it decides to come late, the induction date is set for January 28th because my doctor is leaving town on the 31 for vacation which I found out about yesterday and he doesn't want me to go in labour while he is gone. But we will see what happens. . . . Hopefully it comes on it's own. People have been so generous in giving us some of the things we need for this baby and we are very grateful for their support. It's amazing how small things make a huge difference and take a lot of the stress off. Whether it's undershirts or a playpen, it all helps so much. 

Well our life is about to change a whole bunch and in ways we cannot imagine. Jarrod and I say to each other at random times that we are gonna have a kid soon. Isn't that weird? It's exciting and scary at the same time. And we have no idea what we are getting into I am sure but it's happening!

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